I animated this short energetic type piece after scribbling the phrase "collide, connect, create" in my notes. Though the phrase is mine, it was inspired in part while I was reading Marissa King's book Social Chemistry: Decoding the Patterns of Human Connection (recommended!).
After Effects (not used)
Cinema 4D (prelim test)
Yes, the "fast lines moving across space" start is a bit cliché in motion design, but it's energetic and fun, and it sets the tone for the speed and excitement I hoped to convey. I also wanted to try my own take on it. My first version was in After Effects (left), but I found that doing it in Cinema 4D let me get the shadows without trying to animate gradient maps to fake a glow above the lines.

To morph between balls as a text and balls as a spiral, I used an Inheritance Effector (plus a few effectors to randomize size and add some constant particle movement). The spiral is just a cloned Mospline. "Connect" and its rules-turned-dashes changed from a circular alignment to horizontal using a similar setup.
Since I'm using Redshift and Nodes, I didn't use C4D's traditional multishader to randomize colors on the cloned spheres but the Color User Data shader and a Ramp shader in the node instead.
The shape bursts behind "create" were simple splines with a pose morph. Then they were extruded, placed in booles and dropped into a cloner. A few plain effectors and linear fields brought everything forward, rotating over the camera. (Animating booles used to be a bit glitchy in Cinema, but it's so much better now.)